Global Lawyering Spotlight Lecture Series: The Story of the War on Terror and the Rule of Law: Rendition, Torture, Habeas Corpus and the Guantanamo Bay Detentions


Location: 1310 Biolchini & Zoom

In conversation with Professor Paolo Carozza Tim Otty QC will discuss his role in litigation before the highest courts in the United States and the United Kingdom between 2002 and 2010. His cases have included the fight for habeas corpus for detainees at Guantanamo Bay (Rasul v Bush, Hamdan v Rumsfeld, Boumediene v Bush), challenges to secret trials in the United Kingdom (AF No. 3 v Secretary of State), litigation over the use of evidence obtained by torture (A No. 2 v Secretary of State) and the death penalty (Ocalan v Turkey) and the pursuit of damages claims against the intelligence services (Al Rawi v Security Service and Others; Bel Haj v Straw and Others).

Tim Otty QC is one of the UK’s leading Public International lawyers and international human rights lawyers. He has argued more than 40 cases before the European Court of Human Rights and his notable cases In other jurisdictions include Rasul v George W Bush, Qassim v Donald J Trump Ocalan v Turkey and Orozco v AG of Belize. His work has helped establish habeas corpus rights for those held at Guantanamo Bay Cuba, led to the abolition of the death penalty in Turkey and brought about the decriminalisation of homosexuality in numerous Commonwealth states. He was the Liberty Justice Human Rights Lawyer of the Year in 2008, is the UK member on the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission and is a Visiting Professor at Kings College London.

Moderator: Professor Paolo Carozza, Notre Dame Law School 

Registration is required; link forthcoming.

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